Subcontractor Appreciation

posted in Corporate Event

Subcontractor Appreciation

Our subcontractors are awesome! That’s why we look forward to our Annual Subcontractor Appreciation BBQ every fall. It’s just one of the ways we get to say thank you to our subcontractors for all they do. This year we had more than 100 guests attend our event, which is a great time for subcontractors to visit our office and interact with our estimators and senior management face-to-face. This year, we had vendors such as Hilti, Simpson/Strong-Tie, Steel City, and Elite Construction exhibit at the event. Elite Construction even conducted a scissor lift training and certification for everyone who attended. Driver SPG also raffled off tool sets, saws, drill sets, and a 55” Vizio, flat-screen TV.

The event was also an opportunity for Driver SPG and our subcontractors to give back to the community. We asked everyone who attended to bring a can of food to donate to Mary’s Kitchen, a food bank in Anaheim that serves homeless individuals and families throughout Orange County. As a result of the generous participation of our subcontractors, we donated 350 cans of food and $250 to Mary’s Kitchen. Driver SPG is proud of our relationship with the local subcontractor community and would like to thank everyone who came out and participated this year.



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